Frontier packaging design trends

Although there is no clear formula to guide product packaging, there are several trends that can be seen: in the packaging design, we must seize people's attention. By considering cutting-edge packaging to design your product, your customers will not only see your company mastering modern design, forward-thinking, but also inclined to buy your product.

An excellent packaging design concept

1, sustainable packaging

When a product can be recycled or made from recycled materials, there is still a long way to go for sustainable or "green" packaging.

The current "green" packaging has the following development trends:

Biodegradable and renewable materials: Many cities are carrying out composting programs to encourage residents to compost in their own backyard. Compostable plastics, usually made from renewable resources such as corn, are becoming more and more popular.

Non-toxic materials: Consumers want to know that your packaging does not use harmful chemicals or dyes.

Energy Savings and Emissions Reduction: This may mean that less energy is needed, or choose to use renewable energy sources such as solar panels.

Less packaging materials: Eliminate waste, save transportation costs, and reduce the amount of use in the production process.

Water efficiency: The reduction in the amount of wastewater in production, such as through repeated use, is an important part of today's green packaging.

The popularity of sustainable packaging means the use of sustainable technologies that can attract environmentally conscious consumers.

However, sustainability must consider features and prices. Sun's chips began in 2010 and its packaging uses biodegradable plastic bags because of quality issues that lead to consumer complaints and sales losses. It can be seen that customers want to buy environmentally-friendly products, but they cannot afford to sacrifice quality, cost, and convenience.

2, custom packaging

The key to getting the best custom packaging is the communication between the strong suppliers, designers and customers.

In today's world, suppliers and designers collaborate to enable designers to communicate clearly what customers need, and suppliers are concerned with the latest packaging technologies, and the smooth flow of information benefits customers.

Well-designed, sustainable custom packaging can have the greatest impact on your company's image and your customers' interest in the product. Develop packaging designs that stand out from competitors and emphasize the uniqueness of the brand.

3, simple

Today, companies are turning to simplicity. Streamlined packaging design allows customers to see all the information, and the information they need to know is clear at a glance. Extra text and pictures are past things.

The features of the packaging design shown below are the key to the simple design:

Color: Adhere to one or two colors, covering most of the packaging design.

Font: Use clean, clear fonts.

Text: Use text sparingly and leave enough blank space to attract consumers' attention.

Image: Stick to a clean, distinctive logo, drawing or photo or choose to have no image while letting the package speak for itself.

Three key points of leading-edge packaging design, sustainable development and innovation, and packaging of environmentally-friendly technologies make the market aware that your company is in sync with the latest environmental issues. Customize your sustainable packaging design to remind you of your company's uniqueness and capabilities. Simply use less dye and less material in your packaging design to produce environmentally friendly and sustainable products. This allowed the company to stand out from many competitors and strengthen the company's image of sustainable development.

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